
BlogEmployee spotlight: Heather Arment

Employee spotlight: Heather Arment

Some people walk around with a sort of intuitive halo, absorbing meaning from minutia and deriving simplicity from complex concepts for those of us whose heads are spinning. At Artitudes, Heather Arment wears such a halo with a critical eye and creative flare.

Whether she’s spinning motion graphics, editing a scramble of video snippets into visual art, or weaving a spiderweb business process into something manageable, essential, and useful, Heather never ceases to elicit a reverent wow from the team.

Her wry humor contrasts sharply with her deep empathy for animals and humans alike. She’s an underdog with firm leadership skills brimming and glimmering to the surface when she finds true North – or is sick of the rest of us studying the map with furrowed brows. And she does not shy away from handling sharp-horned bulls! For that, we are all quietly grateful.

Between her critical creative skills and pillar-like presence, I am not sure what we’d do without Heather. If she shares a serious observation on a Monday meeting, as we solemnly analyze the weight set before us, she’ll pivot us back into cackling laughter. How does she do it? The world may never know. But read on to fathom the depths of a whirlwind known as Heather Arment:

What do you do at Artitudes Design?

I’m Artitudes’ motion graphic designer and video producer.

Do you have any pets?

I have two chihuahuas I adopted through Seattle’s Ginger’s Pet Rescue.

What is your guilty food obsession?

This isn’t a food-consumption obsession, but rather is an aesthetic obsession. I’m currently preoccupied with food that was prepared in the 60’s and 70’s. I just bought a vintage book called, “401 Party and Holiday Ideas from ALCOA” – where everything is presented in aluminum foil. I can’t stop looking at it.

What are your educational accomplishments?

I’m self-taught, thanks to growing up in the Midwest and having little else to do in my late teens and early 20’s.

What 3 words describe you?

A curious, scrappy dreamer

What couldn’t you do your job without?

I cannot do anything without my Wacom tablet and pen.  I haven’t used a mouse in decades.

What are you famous for?

PeeWee Herman shared a photo of a Superbowl snack stadium I created!